Reality Checks |
Origin of Life |
EvolutionWill it pass the test of time, or has it passed its 'use-by' date?IntroductionThe year 2009 has been a big one for celebrating two milestones for evolutionary thought: 12 February 2009 was the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, and 24 November 2009 will be the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Darwin's "On the Origin of Species". Given the vast increase in scientific knowledge over the last 50 to 75 years, especially in our understanding of the colossal complexity of living things (even of the simplest single-cell life form), it is probably timely to ask ourselves whether the Theory of Evolution is still credible in the light of what we now know - and if so, will it continue to be credible as our understanding of that complexity grows by many more orders of magnitude over the next century or so? The "Theory of Evolution" is either a brilliant piece of deduction and human
accomplishment, or it is the greatest bungle of modern science (if not of
civilization, given its widespread acceptance in our education system and media,
with its flow-on effect into the values and sense of purpose of society in
general). Will future generations admire us for our insightfulness in this
regard, or will they marvel that we held onto it so strongly when the evidence
was staring us in the face that we should have been looking elsewhere. A bit of historyOne major problem with the “evolution v creation” debate (and why it never ends) is that both sides can take the same observed and agreed facts and fit them perfectly (to their mind anyway) into their own model – and in doing so “prove” to themselves that they are “right”. The creationist camp accuses the evolutionists of spinning numerous myths and just-so stories to explain away what they (the creationists) see as glaring evidence that evolution is a fallacy. And the evolutionists accuse the creationists of merely advocating a “God of the gaps”, and maintain that one day (when mankind has discovered more) these gaps will all be filled in (because “we know that evolution is true” – the evolutionists’ faith position). (Item 7 in the structure listed below, gives an opportunity to take real observations and examples which are often accepted as “proofs”, and ascertain which model they best fit in each case.) The ForumIt is usually very difficult to conclusively “prove” that something is true. However, it is often relatively easy to prove that something can’t be true, by identifying significant things which demonstrate that it is false. Taking this approach, we have devised a structure that can be used to apply a reality check to Evolution. Essentially this collates various arguments put forward by the Intelligent Design and Creationist camps, and presents them for debate: If materialistic evolution (i.e. "no need for God") is true, then it should hold up to scrutiny in the following key tests: 1. It must demonstrate a plausible and purely natural mechanism for the origin of the first living cell (that was self-sufficiently viable and capable of reproducing itself)
2. It must demonstrate plausible and purely natural mechanisms that would have enabled that first living cell to evolve into the vast array of higher life-forms that we observe in both the fossil record and today’s biosphere (with important but complex inter-dependencies between many of them). This mechanism must also account for:
3. Purely materialistic evolution must explain the colossal (and highly detailed, sophisticated, and ingenious) “apparent” design we observe everywhere
4. Formal scientific observations should progressively confirm the predictions of Evolutionary Theory as more data is collected:
5. We should not observe anything in the biosphere (or non-living universe) that defies an evolutionary explanation. (Creationist literature is full of examples of various animals, plants, symbiotic relationships, etc. that on first (and then detailed) examination seem to do this. Some of these are not valid, but most of them are very valid – and many don’t require deep technical understanding to appreciate their challenge.) 6. Is there sufficient time available for Evolution to have produced what we see in both the fossil record and today's biosphere:
7. If natural evolution is true (and specific creation is not), then:
If evolution is true, then it should/must pass ALL the above tests. (The intelligent design and creationist camps would claim that it actually fails on all of them.) Pretty-well every challenge we read in intelligent design creationist literature can be slotted somewhere into the above structure. Note that the above structure concentrates on just the key issues. It doesn’t throw any mud about past errors and claims that have since been discredited (e.g. peppered moths, Piltdown Man, and Ernst Haeckel) – or some of the formative ideas that creationist have held in the past and since abandoned (decaying speed of light, etc.). Both sides of the argument have unfortunate skeletons in the closet, but airing them would muddy the waters rather than provide a clear analysis based on current knowledge and thinking. (How’s that for some mixed metaphors.) |